Branding, packaging and marketing PPE product line during a global pandemic
At the start of the pandemic, we got a call from a client starting a new company working with PPE manufacturers worldwide to produce quality masks, gloves and sanitizers to meet the sudden demand. General Medical Supply (branded “GMS” to get through customs!) needed a simple Red, White & Blue logo with 5 stars— and they needed it overnight to start the months-long manufacturing process.
What followed was the most intense launch we’ve worked on since our Silcon Valley start-up days. Beth designed product packaging, shipping manifest documentation and marketing materials for dozens of products, working closely with the English-Chinese speaking broker and overseas manufacturers (12, in all). Jason photographed the products as soon as the first shipments arrived. We created a national ad campaign and produced commercials to run on CNN and MSNBC with full page ads for the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and 20 other print news outlets. We created unboxing videos, water-test videos, and animation to illustrate how GMS masks protect against the virus. We created a marketing website before the products arrived for institutional pre-orders. And we launched a complex Shopify store for the general public— handing it over to be updated and managed by GMS employees with ease.
Thrasher Photo + Design started this project on March 1st, 2020. Products first arrived in the GMS warehouse in June. By August of 2020, there were over 50 GMS products in stock, with phone and e-commerce sales reaching well into the millions.
Branding • Packaging / Design for 50+ PPE Products • E-Commerce Website • Overseas Manufacturer Coordination • Product Photography • Sales Sheets & Print Catalogue Design • National Ad Campaign for TV & Print • Commercial Production • Unboxing Videos • 3-D Animation
Branding, Packaging & Photography
Strong Branding Translates to Customer Engagement and Sales.

How did we do it?
From client idea to millions in sales— in under 6 months:
Thrasher Photo + Design packaged, promoted and launched General Medical Supply’s new line of PPE during a global pandemic, with each product originating from a different manufacturer in time for institutional pre-orders and consumer online sales… while demand was HOT.

Videos Build Trust.
Investment in 3-D Animation and Unboxing Videos Translate to Bigger Sales.
Need a compelling video to promote your products or services?

Want to reach millions overnight?

National Ad Campaign
Full Page Print Ads
Online Advertising
Network TV Commercials
Before GMS was officially formed as a separate company from parent company MLU Services, Inc., we advertised to generate interest in the product. While the first products were being manufactured worldwide, we advertised so organizations and businesses in the U.S. could pre-order in bulk. And when the consumer e-commerce store went live, we pounced. And it worked… to the tune of millions of dollars in government and industry contracts via phone orders, and hundreds of thousands in retail consumer purchases online.

15 & 30 second commercials aired on national networks:
Need to get your brand noticed nationally?
Fasten your seatbelt for a wild ride.
Kicking It Old School.
When you need a print catalogue, order form, or bill of lading for the “real world,” we do that too!